Monday 13 August 2018

Bangkok Thailand - Roaming Around The City

If you think about Thailand one thing that comes up to your mind is its capital city, Bangkok. One of the top pick cities frequently visited by tourist in Asia. The lively city offers you different things from temples, floating markets, night markets, food, shopping and many more. I will elaborate in this blog the places I visited and what to do to save money while traveling and still enjoying the place. 

Choosing a place to stay (Hotel/Hostel/AirBnB/Dormitory)

  • First, your hotel should be near and accessible to transportation. For me what I did was I choose my hotel near the train station. By doing this, I have easy access all over the city in a very efficient way. Train stations in Bangkok is cheap, easy to use and tourist friendly.
  • Second, know what places you wanted to visit in the City. If you already know in advance where you wanted to go this will be your basis in choosing a hotel that is near in the area you wanted to visit. this will save you money in transportation.
  • Third, choose a hotel that will suit your budget goal. If your in a tight budget and you don't mind staying in a dorm or in a bed space then go for it. There are a lot of hotel/dormitory in Bangkok to choose from that will save you a lot of money.
  • Fourth, before you book a hotel be sure to check first the reviews and comments of travelers. Don't be deceived by the photos you see because these are the good spots the hotel management have chosen so that it will be appealing to travelers. For my case I always read all the reviews from different hotel booking website/app in order for me to choose the best hotel that will suit me. By doing this all, I can now assess where I will stay in the city.

Here are the links of the websites I use in choosing where to stay. Assess first before choosing a place.

For additional reference for reviews while traveling please check this link.

Places to Visit in Bangkok

Grand Palace & Wat Prakeaw
Opening Hours: Daily 8:30 to 15:30
 Location: Na Phra Lan Road, Old City
 Entrance Fee: 500 Baht 

How to get there: For me since my hotel is near the train station I just rode a blue line MRT subway going to Hua Lunpong station. From there you can ride a taxi (100-150 Baht) or a bus (#25 or #52) going to Grand Palace.

In the afternoon, you will see Royal Guards marching around the Grand Palace. Click the video below to see them in action.

The Grand Palace & Wat Prakeaw becomes crowded over the weekends. To enjoy the place visit the Grand Palace during 
weekdays were tourists are not that much.

The structures are pretty much amazing and you can take a lot of pictures with this beautiful spot in Bangkok.

Note: All visitors must wear appropriate clothing meaning no exposed shoulder or skin above the knee applicable to all men and women. 

Wat Arun (The Temple of Dawn)
Opening Hours: Daily 08:00 to 17:30
Location: Opposite Tha Thien Pier, Chao Praya River
Entrance Fee: 50 Baht 

How to get here: After visiting the Grand Palace, walk going to Tha Thien Pier and ride a boat (4 baht) going to the opposite side where Wat Arun is located.

Wat Pho (Temple of Reclining Buddha)
Opening Hours: Daily 08:00 to 17:00
Location: Maharat Road close to the river
Entrance Fee: 100 Baht

How to get there: This is near the Tha Thien Pier Chao Praya River so after visiting Wat Arun you go straight to Wat Pho (Temple of Reclining Buddha). A 10 minutes walk from the Grand Palace.

 Trivia: You will need to take your shoes off to enter and if you like a good luck you will be needing to purchase a bowl of coins at the entrance of the hallway which you can drop in the 108 bronze bowls.

Chatuchak Market
Opening Hours: Fridays 18:00 to 24:00
                           Saturday & Sunday 09:00 to 18:00

How to get there: If your hotel is near the train stations (BTS or MRT) just ride the train from BTS sktrain to Mo Chit station take exit 1 and follow the trail of people going to the market and if from MRT subway take the Kampheng Phet station or the Chatuchak Park walk going to exit 1 up to the market.


Chatuchak Market has 8,000+ stores so you have plenty to choose from variety of food, shopping, souvenirs, clothes, bags, books, plants and a lot more. Alot a half day to tour around the place and to take a look of all the items you wanted to buy.

Floating Markets

Damnoen Saduak Floating Market
Opening Hours: Daily 8:00 to 24:00
Location: Damnoen Saduak District, Ratchaburi Province

How to get there: Located about 100 kilometers southwest of Bangkok recommended budget tips to go there is by Bus or by Van. The travel time is around 2 hours going to the market.

By Bus: Take bus #78 at the Southern Bus Terminal. Bus trip starts at 6AM and bus fare is around  70-80 Baht. 

By Van from Victory Monument fare is around 90-100 Baht.

Amphawa Floating Market
Opening Hours: Friday-Sunday  9:00 to 22:00
Location: Samut Songkhram

How to get there: By Van from Southern Bus Terminal fare is 100 Baht. The journey takes around 1 hour and 30 minutes. The Van will drop you near Maeklong Market. Here you can see not just a typical market, but a market in a railway. Once the train comes near the market the vendors fix there goods making way for the train to pass by. If you want the train to see in action passing by the market train departs Maeklong at 6:20AM, 9:00AM, 11:30AM, 3:30PM and the train arrives at 8:30AM, 11:10AM, 2:30PM, 5:40PM.

     Check below video if you want to see the train in action passing by the Maeklong Market.

Amphawa Market is only 10 minutes ride of songthaews (local taxi trucks) that are located at the junction area of Maeklong. Songthaews fare going to Amphawa Market is only 8 Baht.

Amphawa floating market offers different hand-made crafts, souvenirs and tons of food. If you are a seafood lover this is a place for you. Boat vendors selling seafood can be seen all over the Amphawa Market.

When in Amphawa Market, I recommend you to try drinking milk tea and eat Pad Thai, a very authentic staple Thai dish.Try also their fried rice or krapow, boat noddles a rice noddles with sliced meat in a pig's blood soup.

Roaming around the City of Bangkok I saw this beautiful structure from afar. In my curiosity I research about what the building is. MahaNakhon is a mixed-use skyscraper in the central business district of Bangkok. The shape of the building is like a glass curtain walled square tower with a cuboid-surfaced spiral cut into the side of the building. As per my research the building is not open to the public and floor count is 77 floors.

While walking around the MahaNakhon building I saw this cone like structure branch of starbucks. Good coffee plus good company and a good ambiance equals happiness.




  1. Thanks lettyharry!Hope you get the information that you want.

  2. Can you recommend a hotel accommodation that is near tourists spots and easy access to transportation? I want to visit bangkok in december with my family.

    1. Please check the links above of Agoda or follow the links and from there choose whats best for you. :)

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